Use the CrashScan App with the OBDLink MX+ Bluetooth adapter to scan the cars computer modules, including the Event Data Recorder (EDR), aka “blackbox”, when supported (see support below). CrashScan helps investigators to flag, capture and interpret stored prior accident data. The crash data can be used to validate motor vehicle insurance claims and provide a lead indicator for liability or questionable collision claims.
(Event Data Recorder & Full System Diagnostic Scan)
Over 3000 unique year/make/models are supported internationally, which can be confirmed here: https://collisionsciences.ca/reports/check_support/
If the "CrashScan" is successful, the report will provide details on impact severity, impact orientation (front/rear/side impact), and provide context, such as:
- if the accident was: minor, moderate, or severe
- information on EDR trigger thresholds
- 5.0 seconds of pre-crash speed, brake pedal and accelerator pedal use, and steering
- number of occupants in the vehicle, seatbelt status
- provide an estimated damage repair amount (economic cost in $)
- indicate whether there was likely structural crush damage
- provide injury risk thresholds (whiplash, injury duration)
- typical g-forces in daily activities for context
*injury risk algorithms consider the stored acceleration values, scientific articles and databases such as the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS)
APP DEMO VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIbxGf7IPWw&t=2s
Search on YouTube “CrashScan Setup” or use this url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAnix9tLM9Y
Canada. No legislation, data considered diagnostic and “non-private”; however, insurers obtain consent as a best practice.
United States. In December 2015, the federal Driver Privacy Act of 2015 was enacted. It places limitations on data retrieval from EDRs and provides that information collected belongs to the owner or lessee of the vehicle. Seventeen states have enacted statutes relating to event data Recorders and privacy. --Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Washington. Among other provisions, these states provide that data collected from a motor vehicle event data recorder may only be downloaded with the consent of the vehicle owner or policyholder, with certain exceptions.
By downloading the CrashScan mobile app published by Collision Sciences, Inc., you consent to the installation of this app and to its future updates and upgrades. You may withdraw consent at any time by uninstalling the app. You acknowledge and agree that this app (including any updates or upgrades) may (i) cause your device to automatically communicate with Collision Science’s servers to deliver functionality described here and to record usage metrics, (ii) affect app-related preferences or data stored in your device, and (iii) collect information, as set out in our privacy statement. To learn more, please contact visit us at CollisionSciences.ca.